Conservation Committee



The Conservation Committee strives to make Huntington Park an environmentally sustainable community by providing habitat for native plants and animals, removing invasive plants, planting native trees, and finding other ways to reduce waste such as neighborhood composting and yard waste removal options.


Meet the committee members…


Andrew Plier

I'm a Civil engineer with a focus on site design and storm water management. I've lived in Huntington Park since 2018. I'm currently serving as Vice President of the Huntington Park Board. I started the Conversation Committee because I've always had a passion for connecting people with the environment and making steps towards reducing our impact.


Anthony Kuehn

I am a Senior a technical Product Manager for a team working in financial planning technology. I’ve lived in Huntington Park since spring 2019. I used to serve on the board of a Southeastern Wisconsin Environmental Committee for 5 years and joined this group to continue that effort. My main focus is helping drive action to save and restore the forest and wetlands around our amazing community. 


Judd Pellowski

My wife and I moved to Huntington Park in October of 2012.  I worked for Fed Ex and was in Retail until recently.  I have always taken an interest in trees and growing them.  I was born in Green Bay and have also lived in New York for 20 years while working for Fed Ex and also in Los Angeles and Minneapolis.


Luke Rehrauer

I have been a resident of Huntington Park since May of 1987 and live on Shannon Court with my wife of 35 years.  I am a retired general internal medicine physician who used to work for Aurora.  I am interested in gardening and forestry as hobbies and have been active in this for the last 35 years. These hobbies led me to the conservation committee where I can help eradicate invasive species and replant native species. This will improve the quality of life for our people and the wildlife we share the subdivision with.


Marie Pichler Galarneau

I am a GIS Analyst (makes maps and analyses data) for an environmental consulting company. I've also worked as an Ecological Research Project Assistant at the UW-Madison Arboretum. I've lived in Huntington Park since December 2017. The environment and its conservation have always been very important to me. I'm excited to restore portions of the neighborhood to create more habitat.


Ric Peterson

I am a retired Electrical Engineer who has worked for various equipment and automotive manufacturers.  I've lived in Huntington Park since 2017.  Among other interests since I retired, I volunteer at the Urban Ecology Center and have started beekeeping through the Mequon Bee Club.  I joined the Conservation Committee in order to assist the homeowners and the subdivision in improving and restoring our greenscape.


We would like to express a special thank you to our previous Conservation Committee core members, and also to some of our very dedicated volunteers:

  • Bre Plier

  • Maria Selig



Please help our efforts with a donation. You can donate in one of two ways:

  • Drop off your donation with Andrew Plier at 9308 W. Concord Dr.

Every dollar helps. 100% of the proceeds goes towards:

  • Vegetation for Restoration (tree shrubs, seeds, flowers, etc.)

  • Tools and tool maintenance (chainsaws, chains, sharpening, gas, etc.)

  • PPE (gloves, hear protection, eye protection, etc.)

  • Hand tools (loppers, shovels, etc.)

  • Amenities for volunteer events (water, snacks, etc.)

  • Educational materials for the community


photo album…



Follow the link below to access the volunteer waiver and release forms. You can complete and submit the forms online, or download as PDF and print. Printed forms can be dropped off at Andrew Plier’s mailbox, 9302 W. Concord Dr.

Volunteer Waiver and Release Forms